The Photica Project began as a sandbox project providing me a place to learn how to develop web pages. Over the years this site has gone through several changes in format and design as I progressed through evolving design technologies. For content, I decided to make available several items from my collection of antique cameras and other historical photographic items. This generated some public interest resulting in hundreds of visitors providing comments on both the historical content and the web site design. I am eternally grateful for all of the constructive comments and critical recommendations that I received. I've learned much by following your advise.
For the present, the web site has settled on the simple notebook design style you see. I'll be continuing to add content to the web site for the pleasure of those who enjoy collecting historical photographica as much as I.
Let me know how you like the site. You can reach me by emailing the address found in the side bar. I apologize for not providing an email link on this page. That was one of my earliest lessons learned -- the amount of spam was enormous.
Thank you for visiting my web site and enjoy...
Bill Riley
Let me know what you think. You can reach me by sending an email to:
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